Breaking News! Harper rolled over tonight! She did roll over at 5 weeks old as well but that was a one time fluke. Tonight we could tell she was intentionally trying to so we won't be surprised if this becomes a more common occurrence. Thankfully Will had just grabbed his phone to take a video of her cuteness if full force when she decided to pull off this stunt.
Since bringing Harper home, the chihuahuas have come up with new ways to entertain themselves since we are sometimes too busy to play with them. This video shows just a brief moment in the lives of our beloved chihuahuas. Not really sure what is going on here, I guess Tanner is still confused and questioning herself. Why Berkley just sits there and analyzes the situation without acting is somewhat baffling to us. Oh how they make us laugh on a daily basis!
WARNING- some of you may find this offensive... but it is funny and still worth watching.
Harper just turned two months old! We can't believe how much she is changing everyday. It is scary, yet exciting! She has continued to smile and interact with us on a daily basis. She enjoys simple games now like peek-a-boo. I believe her favorite toy is her burp cloth... nope, not any of the fancy toys that have been purchased for her, just a good ole rag will entertain this baby. Her milestone this month is that she started sleeping through the night consistently at 7 weeks old. She seems to know what she is doing when it comes to preparing for the long sleep ahead. She usually begins power eating around 7 pm and is in bed somewhere between 8:30-9:30 pm. Then she will sleep until 6:30 am, when we wake her up for breakfast. She is also cooing a lot more this month. She has a seahorse in her crib that she likes to have conversations with at bedtime. I think they talk about life as baby, how her day went, and whether she has to poop or not. Harper received her two month shots on April 9th. She did pretty well over all, she screamed briefly but then quickly went back to enjoying her paci. That night she was pretty pitiful and cranky, but by the next day she was back to herself thankfully. Our big plans for this month are to take her to the beach for the first time, stay tuned on how that goes!
2 month stats:
10 pounds 10 ounces
22 3/4 inches long
Sad face shortly after her shots...
Luckily during her two month photo shoot Harper had recovered and was very smiley!
Harper picked the pose all on her own for the rocking chair photo. Oh so serious...
We celebrated Easter in the traditional way filled with Easter baskets, a morning at church, and lunch with the family. Harper seemed to enjoy all of the festivities!