Well this month we hit a huge milestone, Harper started crawling! She went from scooting to full out crawling in just a few weeks. Her motivation is usually a dirty dog toy or dog bowl of some sort that she is insistent on putting in her mouth. Time to start baby proofing our house! She is also very eager to pull up and stand and will use just about anything she can grab to do so. She likes to lift her little
booty in her baths now and try to step out of her baby tub which makes for a hard to hold, slippery baby. What amazes Will and I is the fact that when Harper holds our hands for support, she can already "walk" by taking right-left steps very smooth and effectively. Hopefully Harper will give us a break and not be an early walker. I want to enjoy what baby characteristics she has left and not have her running around the house just yet. Her two teeth are easily visible now when she smiles. I was finally able to get some pictures of those illusive little teeth. Harper's new favorite trick this month is sucking on her top lip. It is quite strange looking, but very adorable at the same time. Her vocals are changing a little bit, she is just starting to make some babbling sounds that will one day lead to mama or dada. I don't expect any first words anytime soon though. Harper's weight this week is 16.2 pounds which puts her in the 35th percentile. She is starting to take after me already.
Here are some photos taken recently...
She is always such a good little model for me.
Crawling off of the background that I had set up, notice the determination.
Very proud of my two teeth!
This is when I know the photo shoot is over...
Harper and her cousin Nora who recently came to visit
So exciting, wow, i'm shocked that she is changing so quickly. crawling already! you need to glue her down. your pics are really pretty. love the purple outfit!